Statistics, Curriculum : 2015

Courser in EnglishStatistics
ProgramPendidikan Bahasa Inggris
RPS13 Data

RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)

Course Descriptions

Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph, Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present how to read the statistics of the graph and other formats in sentences


Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.

Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Course Descriptions

Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph, Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present how to read the statistics of the graph and other formats in sentences


Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.

Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Course Descriptions

Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph, Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present how to read the statistics of the graph and other formats in sentences


Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.

Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Course Descriptions

Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph, Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present how to read the statistics of the graph and other formats in sentences


Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.

Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Course Descriptions

 Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph, Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present howto leadthe statistics of the graph and other formats  in sentences


Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.

Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Course Descriptions

 Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph, Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present howto leadthe statistics of the graph and other formats  in sentences


Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.

Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Course Descriptions

 Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph, Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present howto leadthe statistics of the graph and other formats  in sentences


Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.

Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang

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Course Descriptions

Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph, Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present how   to read the statistics of the graph and other formats  in sentences


Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.

Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang




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Course Descriptions

Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph, Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis, Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present how   to read the statistics of the graph and other formats  in sentences


Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.

Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta

Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang




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Course Descriptions

Mata kuliah statistik dalam penelitian pendidikan merupakan mata

kuliah wajib yang harus ditempuh oleh mahasiswa program studi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang teknik-teknik

analisis statistik yang banyak diaplikasikan pada laporan-laporan penelitian

pendidikan. Topik-topik yang dibahas pada mata kuliah ini berupa (1)

Konsep dasar statistik, (2) Statistik Deskriptif, (3) Populasi dan sampel, (4)

Variabel dan Skala pengukuran, (5) Pengujian normalitas dan homoginitas,

(6) Konsep-konsep pengujian hipotesis (hipotesis deskriptif, hipotesis

komparatif, dan hipotesis asosiatif), (7) Uji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen,

dan (8) Penelitian eksperimen dalam pendidikan. Guna memberikan

pemahaman yang menyeluruh tentang bagaimana aplikasi statistik tersebut

maka pada mata kuliah ini banyak diberikan latihan-latihan mengerjakan

soal-soal di Laboratorium Komputer dengan menggunakan paket-paket

program yang tersedia khususnya SPSS.

Materi bahasan bersumber pada literatur-literatur tentang statistik terapan,

program bantu yang berupa SPSS, dan kasus-kasus sebagai bahan latihan

untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa. Proses pembelajaran

dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuliah mimbar yang didukung

dengan media pengajaran yang tersedia, pemberian tugas, praktik, dan

presentasi mahasiswa.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to:

  1. Recognize and describe the concept of educational statistics
  2. Describe & analyze the parametric statistics
  3. Identify & analyze non parametic statistics
  4. Identify & analyze decriptive statistics

Identify & analyze inferential statistics


  • Edu 922 Course Guide. Advanced Educational Statistics. 2012. National Open University of Nigeria
  • Susetyo, Budi. 2012. Statistika. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Isalam Kementerian Agama RI.
  • Hedges, V., L. & Rhoads, C. 2010. Statistical Power Analysis in Education Research. U.S. Department of Education. IES-National Center for Special Education Research.

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Course Descriptions

Mata kuliah statistik dalam penelitian pendidikan merupakan mata

kuliah wajib yang harus ditempuh oleh mahasiswa program studi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang teknik-teknik

analisis statistik yang banyak diaplikasikan pada laporan-laporan penelitian

pendidikan. Topik-topik yang dibahas pada mata kuliah ini berupa (1)

Konsep dasar statistik, (2) Statistik Deskriptif, (3) Populasi dan sampel, (4)

Variabel dan Skala pengukuran, (5) Pengujian normalitas dan homoginitas,

(6) Konsep-konsep pengujian hipotesis (hipotesis deskriptif, hipotesis

komparatif, dan hipotesis asosiatif), (7) Uji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen,

dan (8) Penelitian eksperimen dalam pendidikan. Guna memberikan

pemahaman yang menyeluruh tentang bagaimana aplikasi statistik tersebut

maka pada mata kuliah ini banyak diberikan latihan-latihan mengerjakan

soal-soal di Laboratorium Komputer dengan menggunakan paket-paket

program yang tersedia khususnya SPSS.

Materi bahasan bersumber pada literatur-literatur tentang statistik terapan,

program bantu yang berupa SPSS, dan kasus-kasus sebagai bahan latihan

untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa. Proses pembelajaran

dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuliah mimbar yang didukung

dengan media pengajaran yang tersedia, pemberian tugas, praktik, dan

presentasi mahasiswa.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to:

  1. Recognize and describe the concept of educational statistics
  2. Describe & analyze the parametric statistics
  3. Identify & analyze non parametic statistics
  4. Identify & analyze decriptive statistics

Identify & analyze inferential statistics


  • Edu 922 Course Guide. Advanced Educational Statistics. 2012. National Open University of Nigeria
  • Susetyo, Budi. 2012. Statistika. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Isalam Kementerian Agama RI.
  • Hedges, V., L. & Rhoads, C. 2010. Statistical Power Analysis in Education Research. U.S. Department of Education. IES-National Center for Special Education Research.

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Course Descriptions

Using Statistical methods we process measures. It is for this reason that we have began this study with principles of measurement. The statistical results you will get will, to a very large extent, depend on the type and quality of measures used. If you use the wrong type of measure, you will have  result which will be wrong and the interpretations and conclusions you will make will also be wrong. You must therefore make sure that you have understood the meaning of statistics and the different forms or types of measures available for use.

Learning Outcomes

Using Statistical methods we process measures. It is for this reason that we have began this study with principles of measurement. The statistical results you will get will, to a very large extent, depend on the type and quality of measures used. If you use the wrong type of measure, you will have  result which will be wrong and the interpretations and conclusions you will make will also be wrong. You must therefore make sure that you have understood the meaning of statistics and the different forms or types of measures available for use.


  • PPT, video slides, LCD, whiteboard, boardmarker, modul
  • Edu 922 Course Guide. Advanced Educational Statistics. 2012. National Open University of Nigeria
  • Susetyo, Budi. 2012. Statistika. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Isalam Kementerian Agama RI.
  • Hedges, V., L. & Rhoads, C. 2010. Statistical Power Analysis in Education Research. U.S. Department of Education. IES-National Center for Special Education Research.


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