Research in Language Learning I, Curriculum : 2015

Courser in EnglishResearch in Language Learning I
ProgramPendidikan Bahasa Inggris
RPS6 Data

RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)

Course Descriptions

Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan konsep, karakteristik, dan teknik  metode ilmiah, dan mengimplementasikannya pada penelitian ilmiah.

Mata kuliah ini berisi materi, contoh berbagai macam  penelitian  agar mahasiswa dapat membuat proposal dan melaksanakan penelitian yang menggunakan desain yang berkaitan dengan penelitian dalam bidang pendidikan Bahasa Inggris: Pre-Experimen, Quasi-experimen, True-experiment, Action Research,  Ethnography, Case Study

Learning Outcomes

mengharapkan mahasiswa dapat mempresentasikan, mendiskusikan, memberi contoh dan membuat proposal yang menggunakan desain penelitian yang berkaitan dengan penelitian dalam bidang pendidikan Bahasa Inggris: Pre-Experimen, Quasi-experimen, True-experiment, Action Research,  Ethnography, Case Study, Classroom Observation and research, Introspective  method, Qualitative Research Design, Validity and Reliability, Ex post facto Research, dll


Daftar Referensi:


Nunan, David. 1992. Research Methods in Language Learning, Cambridge

          University Press.Cambridge.

Cohen, Louis. Et al 2007. Research Methods in Education. Routledge, New York

Burns, Anne. 2010. Doing Action Research in Language Teaching. Routledge, New York

Gall, Meredith D.; Gall, Joyce P.; dan Borg, Walter R. 2003. Educational Research. Boston: Pearson Education, Iknc.

Best, John W . 1981. Research in Education. New York: Prentice-Hall Inc

Fraenkel Jack R; Wallen, Norman E; Hyun, Helen H. 2012. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw-Hll

Tugas mahasiswa dan penilaiannya:

1. Make summary


3. Research Proposal                                                                                     

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Course Descriptions

This subject presents principles and methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative research. It

begins with a comparison between quantitative and qualitative studies and strengths and

weaknesses of each approach. Then it moves to the discussion on

the quantitative  approach. The subject includes both theories and practices. The delivery of the materials employs some techniques such as lecturing, discussion, individual work, and group

work. Students are to submit quantitative  research proposals at the end of the semester,

and their achievement is assessed through their classroom participation, home

assignments, The focus will be conceptual rather than computational. Statistical techniques, therefore, will be dealt with to some degree since they are essential for designing and interpreting research result.

Research problem,  Instrumentation, Sampling, Experimental Research, True Experimental Research

Quasi Experimental Research, Correlational Research, Survey Research, Observation and Interviewing Interviewing, Action research, Preparing research proposal, The nature of qulaitative method Preparing research reports


Learning Outcomes

This subject presents principles and methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative research. It

begins with a comparison between quantitative and qualitative studies and strengths and

weaknesses of each approach. Then it moves to the discussion on

the quantitative  approach. The subject includes both theories and practices. The delivery of the materials employs some techniques such as lecturing, discussion, individual work, and group

work. Students are to submit quantitative  research proposals at the end of the semester,

and their achievement is assessed through their classroom participation, home

assignments, The focus will be conceptual rather than computational. Statistical techniques, therefore, will be dealt with to some degree since they are essential for designing and interpreting research result.

Research problem,  Instrumentation, Sampling, Experimental Research, True Experimental Research

Quasi Experimental Research, Correlational Research, Survey Research, Observation and Interviewing Interviewing, Action research, Preparing research proposal, The nature of qulaitative method Preparing research reports



Bogdan, R.C. and Biklen, S.K. (1992) Qualitative research for education (2nd ed.) Boston: Allyn and Bacon Burns, R.B. (1994) Introduction to research methods (2nd ed.). Melbourne: Longman

Darsono Tjokrosujoso, 1996.Dasar-Dasar Penelitian.Jakarta: Depdikbud Denzin, N. K. and Lincoln, Y. S. (2000) Handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed.).Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc.


1) Lincoln, Y. S. and Guba, E. G. (1985) Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, Inc.

Ritchie, J. & Lewis, J. (2003) Qualitative research practice.             London: SAGE Publications

Silverman, D. (1995) Interpreting qualitative data

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Bisnis
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian

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Course Descriptions

This subject presents principles and methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative research. It

begins with a comparison between quantitative and qualitative studies and strengths and

weaknesses of each approach. Then it moves to the discussion on

the quantitative  approach. The subject includes both theories and practices. The delivery of the materials employs some techniques such as lecturing, discussion, individual work, and group

work. Students are to submit quantitative  research proposals at the end of the semester,

and their achievement is assessed through their classroom participation, home

assignments, The focus will be conceptual rather than computational. Statistical techniques, therefore, will be dealt with to some degree since they are essential for designing and interpreting research result.

Research problem,  Instrumentation, Sampling, Experimental Research, True Experimental Research

Quasi Experimental Research, Correlational Research, Survey Research, Observation and Interviewing Interviewing, Action research, Preparing research proposal, The nature of qulaitative method Preparing research reports


Learning Outcomes

This subject presents principles and methods of conducting quantitative and qualitative research. It

begins with a comparison between quantitative and qualitative studies and strengths and

weaknesses of each approach. Then it moves to the discussion on

the quantitative  approach. The subject includes both theories and practices. The delivery of the materials employs some techniques such as lecturing, discussion, individual work, and group

work. Students are to submit quantitative  research proposals at the end of the semester,

and their achievement is assessed through their classroom participation, home

assignments, The focus will be conceptual rather than computational. Statistical techniques, therefore, will be dealt with to some degree since they are essential for designing and interpreting research result.

Research problem,  Instrumentation, Sampling, Experimental Research, True Experimental Research

Quasi Experimental Research, Correlational Research, Survey Research, Observation and Interviewing Interviewing, Action research, Preparing research proposal, The nature of qulaitative method Preparing research reports



Bogdan, R.C. and Biklen, S.K. (1992) Qualitative research for education (2nd ed.) Boston: Allyn and Bacon Burns, R.B. (1994) Introduction to research methods (2nd ed.). Melbourne: Longman

Darsono Tjokrosujoso, 1996.Dasar-Dasar Penelitian.Jakarta: Depdikbud Denzin, N. K. and Lincoln, Y. S. (2000) Handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed.).Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc.


1) Lincoln, Y. S. and Guba, E. G. (1985) Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, Inc.

Ritchie, J. & Lewis, J. (2003) Qualitative research practice.             London: SAGE Publications

Silverman, D. (1995) Interpreting qualitative data

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Bisnis
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian

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Course Descriptions

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

This course is a two-sks course aiming mainly at providing students with understanding about the nature and characteristics of English Language Teaching and Learning research.After completing of the course students are expected to have good understanding about how to write research quantitative proposal for their thesis. Students areable to formulate research title, write the background of the study, formulate the research problems, write relevan   theoretical  framework, write  relevant hyphotheis, describe research design, describe the subject and sample, construct appropriate research instrument, choose appropriate data analysis  Teaching will be introduced so that students can develop a preliminary draft of research project proposal. The focus will be conceptual rather than computational. Statistical techniques, therefore, will be dealt with to some degree since they are essential for designing and interpreting research result.

Learning Outcomes

a. Understanding the areas and scope of English Language Teaching and Learning Research

b.  Understanding concepts related to research designs applicable to be implemented in English Language Classroom.

c.  Understanding concepts of data collection techniques and procedures.

d.  Understanding concepts of data analyses techniques.

e.  Understanding the components of research reports.



  • PPT, video slides, LCD, whiteboard, boardmarker, modul
  • Edu 922 Course Guide. Advanced Educational Statistics. 2012. National Open University of Nigeria
  • Susetyo, Budi. 2012. Statistika. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Isalam Kementerian Agama RI.
  • Hedges, V., L. & Rhoads, C. 2010. Statistical Power Analysis in Education Research. U.S. Department of Education. IES-National Center for Special Education Research.

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Course Descriptions

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

This course is a two-sks course aiming mainly at providing students with understanding about the nature and characteristics of English Language Teaching and Learning research.After completing of the course students are expected to have good understanding about how to write research quantitative proposal for their thesis. Students areable to formulate research title, write the background of the study, formulate the research problems, write relevan   theoretical  framework, write  relevant hyphotheis, describe research design, describe the subject and sample, construct appropriate research instrument, choose appropriate data analysis  Teaching will be introduced so that students can develop a preliminary draft of research project proposal. The focus will be conceptual rather than computational. Statistical techniques, therefore, will be dealt with to some degree since they are essential for designing and interpreting research result.

Learning Outcomes

a. Understanding the areas and scope of English Language Teaching and Learning Research

b.  Understanding concepts related to research designs applicable to be implemented in English Language Classroom.

c.  Understanding concepts of data collection techniques and procedures.

d.  Understanding concepts of data analyses techniques.

e.  Understanding the components of research reports.



  • PPT, video slides, LCD, whiteboard, boardmarker, modul
  • Edu 922 Course Guide. Advanced Educational Statistics. 2012. National Open University of Nigeria
  • Susetyo, Budi. 2012. Statistika. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Isalam Kementerian Agama RI.
  • Hedges, V., L. & Rhoads, C. 2010. Statistical Power Analysis in Education Research. U.S. Department of Education. IES-National Center for Special Education Research.

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Course Descriptions

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

This course is a two-sks course aiming mainly at providing students with understanding about the nature and characteristics of English Language Teaching and Learning research.After completing of the course students are expected to have good understanding about how to write research quantitative proposal for their thesis. Students areable to formulate research title, write the background of the study, formulate the research problems, write relevan   theoretical  framework, write  relevant hyphotheis, describe research design, describe the subject and sample, construct appropriate research instrument, choose appropriate data analysis  Teaching will be introduced so that students can develop a preliminary draft of research project proposal. The focus will be conceptual rather than computational. Statistical techniques, therefore, will be dealt with to some degree since they are essential for designing and interpreting research result.

Learning Outcomes

a. Understanding the areas and scope of English Language Teaching and Learning Research

b.  Understanding concepts related to research designs applicable to be implemented in English Language Classroom.

c.  Understanding concepts of data collection techniques and procedures.

d.  Understanding concepts of data analyses techniques.

e.  Understanding the components of research reports.



  • PPT, video slides, LCD, whiteboard, boardmarker, modul
  • Edu 922 Course Guide. Advanced Educational Statistics. 2012. National Open University of Nigeria
  • Susetyo, Budi. 2012. Statistika. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Isalam Kementerian Agama RI.
  • Hedges, V., L. & Rhoads, C. 2010. Statistical Power Analysis in Education Research. U.S. Department of Education. IES-National Center for Special Education Research.

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