Teaching English as Foreign Language , Curriculum : 2015

Courser in EnglishTeaching English as Foreign Language
ProgramPendidikan Bahasa Inggris
RPS8 Data

RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)

Course Descriptions

TEFL is 3 SKS course which is given to sixth semester students. This course is specially addressed to equip the students with the knowledge of foundational English teaching concepts which cover approach and methods in language (English) teaching, methods in language teaching, teaching English skills, post methods era, and current issues on language teaching.



Learning Outcomes

  1. The students are able to clarify the relationship between approaches and methods in language learning, post methods era, and current issues in language teaching
  2. The students are able to apply popular teaching methods in English teaching practices.


Brown.D.H. 1994.Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

Richards, Jack. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. USA : Cambridge University Press.

Sumardiyani, Listyaning.,Wiyaka, and Entika Fani Prastikawati. 2017. TEFL. Semarang:UPGRIS PRESS.

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Course Descriptions

TEFL is 3 SKS course which is given to sixth semester students. This course is specially addressed to equip the students with the knowledge of foundational English teaching concepts which cover approach and methods in language (English) teaching, methods in language teaching, teaching English skills, post methods era, and current issues on language teaching.



Learning Outcomes

  1. The students are able to clarify the relationship between approaches and methods in language learning, post methods era, and current issues in language teaching
  2. The students are able to apply popular teaching methods in English teaching practices.


Brown.D.H. 1994.Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

Richards, Jack. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. USA : Cambridge University Press.

Sumardiyani, Listyaning.,Wiyaka, and Entika Fani Prastikawati. 2017. TEFL. Semarang:UPGRIS PRESS.

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Course Descriptions

Mata Kuliah TEFL diberikan pada semester 6 dengan bobot 3 sks. Mata kuliah Ini penting diberikan agar mahasiwa mengetahui hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan teknik dan metode pengajaran dan mampu menerapkannya dalam teaching practice sehingga mahasiswa mendapatkan insight metode pengajaran yang terbaik yang diterapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa.  Hal ini sesuai dengan visi dan misi jurusan  yaitu “Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan untuk menghasilkan calon guru Bahasa Inggris yang unggul, berbudi luhur, berjati diri, dan mempunyai daya saing global, 

Learning Outcomes

  1. memiliki keterampilan mengajar berdasarkan metode-metode pembelajaran yang dipelajari yaitu Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method and  Audiovisual Method, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction , serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
  2. memiliki pengetahuan tentang  kelebihan dan keuntungan, kegiatan-kegiatan dalam proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efesian dari setiap tehnik dan metode pembelajaran yang dipelajari seperti Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method and  Audiovisual Method, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction , serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
  3. memiliki kemampuan bekerjasama dan berlatih peer teaching dan mempresentasikan ide dan pengetahuan tentang contoh contoh kegiatan pengajaran di kelas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa siswa dengan menerapkan metode dan tehnik pengajaran tertentu seperti Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method dan Audiovisual, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction,  serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.



Harmer, Jeremy. 2003. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson Education Limited. Longman

Richards, J.C..  Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching - Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J.C. 2006. Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J.C. & Renandya, W.A. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching: an Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge University Press.

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Course Descriptions

Mata Kuliah TEFL diberikan pada semester 6 dengan bobot 3 sks. Mata kuliah Ini penting diberikan agar mahasiwa mengetahui hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan teknik dan metode pengajaran dan mampu menerapkannya dalam teaching practice sehingga mahasiswa mendapatkan insight metode pengajaran yang terbaik yang diterapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa.  Hal ini sesuai dengan visi dan misi jurusan  yaitu “Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan untuk menghasilkan calon guru Bahasa Inggris yang unggul, berbudi luhur, berjati diri, dan mempunyai daya saing global, 

Learning Outcomes

  1. memiliki keterampilan mengajar berdasarkan metode-metode pembelajaran yang dipelajari yaitu Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method and  Audiovisual Method, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction , serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
  2. memiliki pengetahuan tentang  kelebihan dan keuntungan, kegiatan-kegiatan dalam proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efesian dari setiap tehnik dan metode pembelajaran yang dipelajari seperti Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method and  Audiovisual Method, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction , serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
  3. memiliki kemampuan bekerjasama dan berlatih peer teaching dan mempresentasikan ide dan pengetahuan tentang contoh contoh kegiatan pengajaran di kelas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa siswa dengan menerapkan metode dan tehnik pengajaran tertentu seperti Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method dan Audiovisual, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction,  serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.



Harmer, Jeremy. 2003. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson Education Limited. Longman

Richards, J.C..  Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching - Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J.C. 2006. Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J.C. & Renandya, W.A. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching: an Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge University Press.

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Course Descriptions

Mata Kuliah TEFL diberikan pada semester 6 dengan bobot 3 sks. Mata kuliah Ini penting diberikan agar mahasiwa mengetahui hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan teknik dan metode pengajaran dan mampu menerapkannya dalam teaching practice sehingga mahasiswa mendapatkan insight metode pengajaran yang terbaik yang diterapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa.  Hal ini sesuai dengan visi dan misi jurusan  yaitu “Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan untuk menghasilkan calon guru Bahasa Inggris yang unggul, berbudi luhur, berjati diri, dan mempunyai daya saing global, 

Learning Outcomes

  1. memiliki keterampilan mengajar berdasarkan metode-metode pembelajaran yang dipelajari yaitu Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method and  Audiovisual Method, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction , serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
  2. memiliki pengetahuan tentang  kelebihan dan keuntungan, kegiatan-kegiatan dalam proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efesian dari setiap tehnik dan metode pembelajaran yang dipelajari seperti Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method and  Audiovisual Method, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction , serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
  3. memiliki kemampuan bekerjasama dan berlatih peer teaching dan mempresentasikan ide dan pengetahuan tentang contoh contoh kegiatan pengajaran di kelas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa siswa dengan menerapkan metode dan tehnik pengajaran tertentu seperti Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method dan Audiovisual, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction,  serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.



Harmer, Jeremy. 2003. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson Education Limited. Longman

Richards, J.C..  Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching - Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J.C. 2006. Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J.C. & Renandya, W.A. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching: an Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge University Press.

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Course Descriptions

Mata Kuliah TEFL diberikan pada semester 6 dengan bobot 3 sks. Mata kuliah Ini penting diberikan agar mahasiwa mengetahui hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan teknik dan metode pengajaran dan mampu menerapkannya dalam teaching practice sehingga mahasiswa mendapatkan insight metode pengajaran yang terbaik yang diterapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa.  Hal ini sesuai dengan visi dan misi jurusan  yaitu “Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan untuk menghasilkan calon guru Bahasa Inggris yang unggul, berbudi luhur, berjati diri, dan mempunyai daya saing global, 

Learning Outcomes

  1. memiliki keterampilan mengajar berdasarkan metode-metode pembelajaran yang dipelajari yaitu Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method and  Audiovisual Method, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction , serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
  2. memiliki pengetahuan tentang  kelebihan dan keuntungan, kegiatan-kegiatan dalam proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efesian dari setiap tehnik dan metode pembelajaran yang dipelajari seperti Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method and  Audiovisual Method, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction , serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.
  3. memiliki kemampuan bekerjasama dan berlatih peer teaching dan mempresentasikan ide dan pengetahuan tentang contoh contoh kegiatan pengajaran di kelas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa siswa dengan menerapkan metode dan tehnik pengajaran tertentu seperti Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method, Audiolingual Method dan Audiovisual, Natural Approach, and Total physical Response, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, and Communicative Language Teaching, Task Based, Language Learning and the Lexical Approach, Cooperative Learning and Content-Based Instruction,  serta tentang Different kinds of methods and techniques of languages to teach listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary.



Harmer, Jeremy. 2003. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson Education Limited. Longman

Richards, J.C..  Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching - Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J.C. 2006. Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J.C. & Renandya, W.A. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching: an Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge University Press.

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Course Descriptions

This course is intended to equip students with full understanding on the theories of language learning and teaching so that it will suffice the required skills for teaching practicum. This covers : the nature of language and language learning; theories and principles of language learning; methods of language teaching, managing class; teaching receptve skills, teaching productive skills; preparing lesson plans

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this subject students are expected to :

1. Possess complete understanding on the theories of language teaching and learning

2. Be able to simulate teaching receptive and productive skills of English

3. Be skillful in designing lesson plan for particular selected standard competence


1. Mary Finocchiaro, 1974. English as a Second Language from Theories to Practice. Regents Publishing Company Inc.

2. Jeremy Harmer, 2003. the Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman

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Course Descriptions

This course is intended to equip students with full understanding on the theories of language learning and teaching so that it will suffice the required skills for teaching practicum. This covers : the nature of language and language learning; theories and principles of language learning; methods of language teaching, managing class; teaching receptve skills, teaching productive skills; preparing lesson plans

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this subject students are expected to :

1. Possess complete understanding on the theories of language teaching and learning

2. Be able to simulate teaching receptive and productive skills of English

3. Be skillful in designing lesson plan for particular selected standard competence


1. Mary Finocchiaro, 1974. English as a Second Language from Theories to Practice. Regents Publishing Company Inc.

2. Jeremy Harmer, 2003. the Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman

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