Reading III, Curriculum : 2015

Courser in EnglishReading III
ProgramPendidikan Bahasa Inggris
RPS5 Data

RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)

Course Descriptions

Mata kuliah ini merupakan mata kuliah lanjutan bagi mahasiswa yang lulus pekuliahan Reading 2 pada semeter sebelumnya.  Materi-materi yang disampaikan dalam perkuliahan Reading 3 ini  meliputi materi Previewing, Scanning, Skimming, Guessing Unknown Words/ Vocaluraies, Making Inferences, Identifying Topic and Main Ideas of Paragraphs, Identifying Patterns of Organization, dan Summarizing.  

Learning Outcomes

Pada akhir perkuliahan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu untuk

  1. Menentukan teknik membaca cepat sesuai kebutuhan.
  2. Menentukan meaning dari suatu kata baru yang tidak dipahami sebelumnbya.
  3. Mengidentifikasi topik dan ide pokok dari suatu paragraf berdasarkan sudut pandang penulis,
  4. Mengidentifikasi pola suatu paraggraf, dan
  5. Membuat ringkasan / parafrase dari sebuah paragraf panjang.


Sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa telah disiapkan oleh tim pengajar mata kuliah Reading 3 dalam bentuk modul yang dikompilasikan dari berbagai buku sumber pendukung terkait.


Mikulecky, Beatrice S.and Linda Jeffries. More Reading Power. 2004. New York: Longman

Phillips, Deborah. -. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. New York: Oxford

Lee, Linda and Erik Gundersen. 2011. Select Reading for Pre-Intermediate Level. New York: Oxford

Yulianti, Fitri and team.  2016. A Handout of Reading 4. Semarang: unpublished handout

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Course Descriptions

Mata kuliah ini merupakan mata kuliah lanjutan bagi mahasiswa yang lulus pekuliahan Reading 2 pada semeter sebelumnya.  Materi-materi yang disampaikan dalam perkuliahan Reading 3 ini  meliputi materi Previewing, Scanning, Skimming, Guessing Unknown Words/ Vocaluraies, Making Inferences, Identifying Topic and Main Ideas of Paragraphs, Identifying Patterns of Organization, dan Summarizing.  

Learning Outcomes

Pada akhir perkuliahan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu untuk

  1. Menentukan teknik membaca cepat sesuai kebutuhan.
  2. Menentukan meaning dari suatu kata baru yang tidak dipahami sebelumnbya.
  3. Mengidentifikasi topik dan ide pokok dari suatu paragraf berdasarkan sudut pandang penulis,
  4. Mengidentifikasi pola suatu paraggraf, dan
  5. Membuat ringkasan / parafrase dari sebuah paragraf panjang.


Sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa telah disiapkan oleh tim pengajar mata kuliah Reading 3 dalam bentuk modul yang dikompilasikan dari berbagai buku sumber pendukung terkait.


Mikulecky, Beatrice S.and Linda Jeffries. More Reading Power. 2004. New York: Longman

Phillips, Deborah. -. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. New York: Oxford

Lee, Linda and Erik Gundersen. 2011. Select Reading for Pre-Intermediate Level. New York: Oxford

Yulianti, Fitri and team.  2016. A Handout of Reading 4. Semarang: unpublished handout

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Course Descriptions

This course is designed to develop students’ competence in independent reading covering the theories and practice of previewing, scanning, skimming, guessing unknown vocabularies, making inferences, getting general and specific information from the text, getting main ideas and detailed information from the text, identifying pattern of organization of a text, and summarizing a text.

Classroom activities are focused on lecturing, discussion, (pair & group work), practice and presentation. The course assessment is based on the sum of the students’ attendance, assignments, presentation, and tests.

Learning Outcomes

students are able to develop their reading skill of skimming, scanning, referencing, inferencing, identifying the author’s purpose and tone, summarizing, and identifying pattern of organization of the text consisted 3000 up to 5000 words.



  1. Beatty, ken. 2004. Read and Think: A reading strategies course. Hongkong: pearson Education Asia Limited.
  2. Miculecky, Beatrice, S & Linda Jeffries. 2004. More Reading Power. New York: Pearson Education Inc.


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Course Descriptions

This course is designed to develop students’ competence in independent reading covering the theories and practice of previewing, scanning, skimming, guessing unknown vocabularies, making inferences, getting general and specific information from the text, getting main ideas and detailed information from the text, identifying pattern of organization of a text, and summarizing a text.

Classroom activities are focused on lecturing, discussion, (pair & group work), practice and presentation. The course assessment is based on the sum of the students’ attendance, assignments, presentation, and tests.

Learning Outcomes

students are able to develop their reading skill of skimming, scanning, referencing, inferencing, identifying the author’s purpose and tone, summarizing, and identifying pattern of organization of the text consisted 3000 up to 5000 words.


Mikulecky, Beatrice S.and Linda Jeffries. More Reading Power. 2004. New York: Longman

Phillips, Deborah. -. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. New York: Oxford

Lee, Linda and Erik Gundersen. 2011. Select Reading for Pre-Intermediate Level. New York: Oxford


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Course Descriptions

This course is designed to develop students’ competence in independent reading covering the theories and practice of previewing, scanning, skimming, guessing unknown vocabularies, making inferences, getting general and specific information from the text, getting main ideas and detailed information from the text, identifying pattern of organization of a text, and summarizing a text.

Classroom activities are focused on lecturing, discussion, (pair & group work), practice and presentation. The course assessment is based on the sum of the students’ attendance, assignments, presentation, and tests.

Learning Outcomes

students are able to develop their reading skill of skimming, scanning, referencing, inferencing, identifying the author’s purpose and tone, summarizing, and identifying pattern of organization of the text consisted 3000 up to 5000 words.


Mikulecky, Beatrice S.and Linda Jeffries. More Reading Power. 2004. New York: Longman

Phillips, Deborah. -. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. New York: Oxford

Lee, Linda and Erik Gundersen. 2011. Select Reading for Pre-Intermediate Level. New York: Oxford


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Course Descriptions

This course gives a brief description about a comprehensive picture of the English clause together with its interfacings along all dimensions of its environment with the basic competence in comprehending the important aspects of functional grammar, genre and grammar, text and context, grammar, context-text connection, and genre, clause as message,  theme and rheme, theme and mood, theme and text, theme and text development, clause as an exchange, mood and its elements,  clause as representation, transitivity and its semantic categories, and clauses and clause complexes. It is considered as compulsory subject  for 5Th Semester students majoring in English Language Education 

Learning Outcomes

  • At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:
    • define genre and grammar, text and context
    • identify grammar, context-text connection, and genre
    • define clause as message
    • identify theme and rheme, theme and mood, theme and text, theme and text development
    • define clause as an exchange
    • identify mood and its elements
    • define clause as representation
    • identify transitivity and its semantic categories
    • identify clauses and clause complexes



  • Gerot, Linda and Wignell Peter, 1994, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, Gerd Stabler, AEE, Australia
  • Halliday, M.A.K., 1994, An Introduction to Functional Grammar, Edward Arnold, Second Edition.
  • Martin, J.R. et al, 1997, Working with Functional Grammar, Arnold.
  • Cook,Guy.1990.Discourse.Oxford University Press.
  • Hatch,E.1992.Discourse & Language Education. Cambridge: CUP.
  • Renkema,Jan.1993.Discourse Studies. An Introductory Text Book. Amsterdam: John Benjamin

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Course Descriptions

This course gives a brief description about a comprehensive picture of the English clause together with its interfacings along all dimensions of its environment with the basic competence in comprehending the important aspects of functional grammar, genre and grammar, text and context, grammar, context-text connection, and genre, clause as message,  theme and rheme, theme and mood, theme and text, theme and text development, clause as an exchange, mood and its elements,  clause as representation, transitivity and its semantic categories, and clauses and clause complexes. It is considered as compulsory subject  for 5Th Semester students majoring in English Language Education 

Learning Outcomes

  • At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:
    • define genre and grammar, text and context
    • identify grammar, context-text connection, and genre
    • define clause as message
    • identify theme and rheme, theme and mood, theme and text, theme and text development
    • define clause as an exchange
    • identify mood and its elements
    • define clause as representation
    • identify transitivity and its semantic categories
    • identify clauses and clause complexes



  • Gerot, Linda and Wignell Peter, 1994, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, Gerd Stabler, AEE, Australia
  • Halliday, M.A.K., 1994, An Introduction to Functional Grammar, Edward Arnold, Second Edition.
  • Martin, J.R. et al, 1997, Working with Functional Grammar, Arnold.
  • Cook,Guy.1990.Discourse.Oxford University Press.
  • Hatch,E.1992.Discourse & Language Education. Cambridge: CUP.
  • Renkema,Jan.1993.Discourse Studies. An Introductory Text Book. Amsterdam: John Benjamin

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