Poetry , Curriculum : 2017

Courser in EnglishPoetry
ProgramPendidikan Bahasa Inggris
RPS6 Data

RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)

Course Descriptions

The course helps students to have an understanding of both the construction and meaning of English poetry, which is the production of the writers of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ cultural background. Attention is mostly given to textual poetry analysis only –applying the methods and techniques of taking a poem apart in order to arrive at its understanding. Consequently, reasonable means for reading and appreciating this genre such as imagery, figurative language and musical devices are covered in this unit. Prior to the discussion of the three, a short glance at the aspects of words and the notion of textual
interpretation is provided.

Learning Outcomes




CPL-Prodi yang dibebankan pada MK

  1. Menghargai   keanekaragaman  budaya,   pandangan,  agama, dan kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain (S6)
  2. Menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri (S9)
  3. Menguasai konsep teoretis tentang kesusastraan (literature) dan budaya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris (P10)
  4. Menguasai unsur kebahasaan (language elements) Bahasa Inggris (P14)
  5. Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapakan nilai humaniora

yang sesuai dengan bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (KU1)




  1. Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur
  2. Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data (KU 5)
  3. Mahir berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dalam konteks keseharian / umum, akademis, dan pekerjaan setara tingkat post-intermediate (KK 1)
  4. Mampu mengadaptasi / budaya pemakai bahasa sasaran yang positif kedalam budaya bahasa ibu (KK 3)


  1. Sedgwick, F. (2005). How to write poetry: and get it published. A&C Black.
  2. Beasley, R. (2007). Theorists of Modernist Poetry: TS Eliot, TE Hulme, Ezra Pound. Routledge.
  3. Lehman, D., & Brehm, J. (Eds.). (2006). The Oxford book of American poetry. Oxford University Press, USA.
  4. Nair, R. B. (2009). Poetry in a Time of Terror: Essays in the postcolonial preternatural. New Delhi and New York: Oxford University Press. 
  5. Hamilton, I. (Ed.). (1994). The Oxford companion to twentieth-century poetry in English. Oxford University Press.

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Course Descriptions

The course helps students to have an understanding of both the construction and meaning of English poetry, which is the production of the writers of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ cultural background. Attention is mostly given to textual poetry analysis only –applying the methods and techniques of taking a poem apart in order to arrive at its understanding. Consequently, reasonable means for reading and appreciating this genre such as imagery, figurative language and musical devices are covered in this unit. Prior to the discussion of the three, a short glance at the aspects of words and the notion of textual
interpretation is provided.

Learning Outcomes




CPL-Prodi yang dibebankan pada MK

  1. Menghargai   keanekaragaman  budaya,   pandangan,  agama, dan kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain (S6)
  2. Menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri (S9)
  3. Menguasai konsep teoretis tentang kesusastraan (literature) dan budaya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris (P10)
  4. Menguasai unsur kebahasaan (language elements) Bahasa Inggris (P14)
  5. Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapakan nilai humaniora

yang sesuai dengan bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (KU1)




  1. Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur
  2. Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data (KU 5)
  3. Mahir berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dalam konteks keseharian / umum, akademis, dan pekerjaan setara tingkat post-intermediate (KK 1)
  4. Mampu mengadaptasi / budaya pemakai bahasa sasaran yang positif kedalam budaya bahasa ibu (KK 3)


  1. Sedgwick, F. (2005). How to write poetry: and get it published. A&C Black.
  2. Beasley, R. (2007). Theorists of Modernist Poetry: TS Eliot, TE Hulme, Ezra Pound. Routledge.
  3. Lehman, D., & Brehm, J. (Eds.). (2006). The Oxford book of American poetry. Oxford University Press, USA.
  4. Nair, R. B. (2009). Poetry in a Time of Terror: Essays in the postcolonial preternatural. New Delhi and New York: Oxford University Press. 
  5. Hamilton, I. (Ed.). (1994). The Oxford companion to twentieth-century poetry in English. Oxford University Press.

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Course Descriptions

The course helps students to have an understanding of both the construction and meaning of English poetry, which is the production of the writers of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ cultural background. Attention is mostly given to textual poetry analysis only –applying the methods and techniques of taking a poem apart in order to arrive at its understanding. Consequently, reasonable means for reading and appreciating this genre such as imagery, figurative language and musical devices are covered in this unit. Prior to the discussion of the three, a short glance at the aspects of words and the notion of textual
interpretation is provided.

Learning Outcomes




CPL-Prodi yang dibebankan pada MK

  1. Menghargai   keanekaragaman  budaya,   pandangan,  agama, dan kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain (S6)
  2. Menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri (S9)
  3. Menguasai konsep teoretis tentang kesusastraan (literature) dan budaya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris (P10)
  4. Menguasai unsur kebahasaan (language elements) Bahasa Inggris (P14)
  5. Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapakan nilai humaniora

yang sesuai dengan bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (KU1)




  1. Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur
  2. Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data (KU 5)
  3. Mahir berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dalam konteks keseharian / umum, akademis, dan pekerjaan setara tingkat post-intermediate (KK 1)
  4. Mampu mengadaptasi / budaya pemakai bahasa sasaran yang positif kedalam budaya bahasa ibu (KK 3)


  1. Sedgwick, F. (2005). How to write poetry: and get it published. A&C Black.
  2. Beasley, R. (2007). Theorists of Modernist Poetry: TS Eliot, TE Hulme, Ezra Pound. Routledge.
  3. Lehman, D., & Brehm, J. (Eds.). (2006). The Oxford book of American poetry. Oxford University Press, USA.
  4. Nair, R. B. (2009). Poetry in a Time of Terror: Essays in the postcolonial preternatural. New Delhi and New York: Oxford University Press. 
  5. Hamilton, I. (Ed.). (1994). The Oxford companion to twentieth-century poetry in English. Oxford University Press.

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Course Descriptions

The course helps students to have an understanding of both the construction and meaning of English poetry, which is the production of the writers of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ cultural background. Attention is mostly given to textual poetry analysis only –applying the methods and techniques of taking a poem apart in order to arrive at its understanding. Consequently, reasonable means for reading and appreciating this genre such as imagery, figurative language and musical devices are covered in this unit. Prior to the discussion of the three, a short glance at the aspects of words and the notion of textual
interpretation is provided.

Learning Outcomes




CPL-Prodi yang dibebankan pada MK

  1. Menghargai   keanekaragaman  budaya,   pandangan,  agama, dan kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain (S6)
  2. Menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri (S9)
  3. Menguasai konsep teoretis tentang kesusastraan (literature) dan budaya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris (P10)
  4. Menguasai unsur kebahasaan (language elements) Bahasa Inggris (P14)
  5. Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapakan nilai humaniora

yang sesuai dengan bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (KU1)




  1. Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur
  2. Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data (KU 5)
  3. Mahir berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dalam konteks keseharian / umum, akademis, dan pekerjaan setara tingkat post-intermediate (KK 1)
  4. Mampu mengadaptasi / budaya pemakai bahasa sasaran yang positif kedalam budaya bahasa ibu (KK 3)


  1. Sedgwick, F. (2005). How to write poetry: and get it published. A&C Black.
  2. Beasley, R. (2007). Theorists of Modernist Poetry: TS Eliot, TE Hulme, Ezra Pound. Routledge.
  3. Lehman, D., & Brehm, J. (Eds.). (2006). The Oxford book of American poetry. Oxford University Press, USA.
  4. Nair, R. B. (2009). Poetry in a Time of Terror: Essays in the postcolonial preternatural. New Delhi and New York: Oxford University Press. 
  5. Hamilton, I. (Ed.). (1994). The Oxford companion to twentieth-century poetry in English. Oxford University Press.

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Course Descriptions

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

this course focuses on learning the poetry’s works as the genre of literature and as the part of language learning



Learning Outcomes

Capaian Pembelajaran

  • Attitude
    • Students are able to have and ability in cooperating with other students in class. Especially when they do the exercises related with the poetry’s works in group.
    • They have sense of responsibility in every task given by the lecturer, and do the tasks honestly.
  • Knowledge
  • Students are able to explain and discover the musical qualities, definition of poetry, the poet’s attitude toward his subject matters and also the readers within works of poetry.
  • Students are expected to be able to have a comprehensive picture of background on poetry studies, appreciate poetry works.
  • Skill
  • Students are able to explain and analyze poetry related with its forms/ patterns or structure, literal meaning, figurative meaning, theme, ideas, psychology and sociology effects, and finally they have an ability to produce the simple poetry’s’ work.




  • Perrine, Laurence. 1991.Sound and Sense. GA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt P
  • Roberts, Egar V and Henry E. Jacobs. 2003. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pearson

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Course Descriptions

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah

this course focuses on learning the poetry’s works as the genre of literature and as the part of language learning



Learning Outcomes

Capaian Pembelajaran

  • Attitude
    • Students are able to have and ability in cooperating with other students in class. Especially when they do the exercises related with the poetry’s works in group.
    • They have sense of responsibility in every task given by the lecturer, and do the tasks honestly.
  • Knowledge
  • Students are able to explain and discover the musical qualities, definition of poetry, the poet’s attitude toward his subject matters and also the readers within works of poetry.
  • Students are expected to be able to have a comprehensive picture of background on poetry studies, appreciate poetry works.
  • Skill
  • Students are able to explain and analyze poetry related with its forms/ patterns or structure, literal meaning, figurative meaning, theme, ideas, psychology and sociology effects, and finally they have an ability to produce the simple poetry’s’ work.




  • Perrine, Laurence. 1991.Sound and Sense. GA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt P
  • Roberts, Egar V and Henry E. Jacobs. 2003. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pearson

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