Systemic Functional Grammar, Curriculum : 2017

Courser in EnglishSystemic Functional Grammar
ProgramPendidikan Bahasa Inggris
RPS11 Data

RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)

Course Descriptions

This course aims to equip the students with the basic concepts of systemic functional grammar (SFG), the differences between SFG and Formal Grammar, metafunctional meaning and the grammatical resource of SFG, and to enable the students to do the analysis of metafunction analyses.

Learning Outcomes

Capaian Pembelajaran

CPL-PRODI yang dibebankan pada MK

CPL 1 (S6)

Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan,serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain

CPL 2 (S9)

Menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri

CPL 3 (PP 6)

Menguasai konsep teoritis ilmu kebahasaan

CPL 4 (PP 13)

Menguasai keterampilan berbahasa Inggris (language skills) secara lisan dan tertulis

CPL 5 (KU1)

Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapkan nilai humaniora yang sesuai dengan bidang pendidikan bahasa Inggris;

CPL 6 (KU5)

Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data

CPL 7 (KU 8)

Mampu melakukan proses evaluasi diri terhadap kelompok kerja yang berada dibawah tanggungjawabnya, dan mampu mengelola pembelajaran secara mandiri;

CPL 8 (KK 2)

Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan pada bidang Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan tertentu (English for specific purposes) setara tingkat post intermediate

CPL 9 (KK3)

Mampu mengadaptasi budaya pemakai bahasa sasaran yang positif kedalam budaya bahasa ibu


Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)


to clarify systemic functional grammar and its difference to traditional grammar logically (S6, KU1, KK3, PP6)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of interpersonal meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of experiential meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of textual meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of logical meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to evaluate the knowledge and skills to pursue the evidence of language realization (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)

Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar (Sub-CPMK)


Identifying the different notion between traditional grammar and functional grammar logically


Explaining the general concept of systemic functional grammar; the relation between language and social context logically


Clarifying the metafunction of language clearly and logically


Applying grammar of interpersonal meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Applying grammar of experiential meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Applying the grammar of textual meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Applying grammar of logical meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Evaluating how lexis operates a text, realizes realities (experience, logic, and social reality), and contributes to the interpretation of language meaning and style systematically and logically


Referensi Utama:

Gerot, L. & Wignel, P. (1994). Making sense of functional grammar: An introductory workbook. Sidney: Antipodean Educational Enterprises.

Halliday, M.A.K. & Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (2004). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (3rd Ed). London: Edward Arnold

Pengantar Ringkas Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional. Prof. Dr. Tri WIratno, M.A. 2018. Yogjakarta. Pustaka Pelajar.

Butt, D., Fahey, R., Feez, S. & Spinks, S..(2012). Using functional grammar, (2nd ed.). Sydney: Palgrave Macmillan.

Referensi Pendukung:

Eggins, S. (2004). An introduction to systemic functional linguistics (2nd ed.). New York & London: Continuum.

A New Grammar Companion for Teachers. Beverly Derewianka.2011. Primary English Teaching Association. Sidney.

Grammar and Meaning: An Introduction for Primary Teachers. Louise Droga & Sally Humphrey. 2003. NSW. Target Texts.

Thompson, G. (1996). Introducing functional grammar. London: Edward Arnold.

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Course Descriptions

This course aims to equip the students with the basic concepts of systemic functional grammar (SFG), the differences between SFG and Formal Grammar, metafunctional meaning and the grammatical resource of SFG, and to enable the students to do the analysis of metafunction analyses.

Learning Outcomes

Capaian Pembelajaran

CPL-PRODI yang dibebankan pada MK

CPL 1 (S6)

Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan,serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain

CPL 2 (S9)

Menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri

CPL 3 (PP 6)

Menguasai konsep teoritis ilmu kebahasaan

CPL 4 (PP 13)

Menguasai keterampilan berbahasa Inggris (language skills) secara lisan dan tertulis

CPL 5 (KU1)

Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapkan nilai humaniora yang sesuai dengan bidang pendidikan bahasa Inggris;

CPL 6 (KU5)

Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data

CPL 7 (KU 8)

Mampu melakukan proses evaluasi diri terhadap kelompok kerja yang berada dibawah tanggungjawabnya, dan mampu mengelola pembelajaran secara mandiri;

CPL 8 (KK 2)

Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan pada bidang Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan tertentu (English for specific purposes) setara tingkat post intermediate

CPL 9 (KK3)

Mampu mengadaptasi budaya pemakai bahasa sasaran yang positif kedalam budaya bahasa ibu


Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)


to clarify systemic functional grammar and its difference to traditional grammar logically (S6, KU1, KK3, PP6)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of interpersonal meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of experiential meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of textual meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of logical meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to evaluate the knowledge and skills to pursue the evidence of language realization (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)

Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar (Sub-CPMK)


Identifying the different notion between traditional grammar and functional grammar logically


Explaining the general concept of systemic functional grammar; the relation between language and social context logically


Clarifying the metafunction of language clearly and logically


Applying grammar of interpersonal meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Applying grammar of experiential meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Applying the grammar of textual meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Applying grammar of logical meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Evaluating how lexis operates a text, realizes realities (experience, logic, and social reality), and contributes to the interpretation of language meaning and style systematically and logically


Referensi Utama:

Gerot, L. & Wignel, P. (1994). Making sense of functional grammar: An introductory workbook. Sidney: Antipodean Educational Enterprises.

Halliday, M.A.K. & Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (2004). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (3rd Ed). London: Edward Arnold

Pengantar Ringkas Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional. Prof. Dr. Tri WIratno, M.A. 2018. Yogjakarta. Pustaka Pelajar.

Butt, D., Fahey, R., Feez, S. & Spinks, S..(2012). Using functional grammar, (2nd ed.). Sydney: Palgrave Macmillan.

Referensi Pendukung:

Eggins, S. (2004). An introduction to systemic functional linguistics (2nd ed.). New York & London: Continuum.

A New Grammar Companion for Teachers. Beverly Derewianka.2011. Primary English Teaching Association. Sidney.

Grammar and Meaning: An Introduction for Primary Teachers. Louise Droga & Sally Humphrey. 2003. NSW. Target Texts.

Thompson, G. (1996). Introducing functional grammar. London: Edward Arnold.

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Course Descriptions

This course aims to equip the students with the basic concepts of systemic functional grammar (SFG), the differences between SFG and Formal Grammar, metafunctional meaning and the grammatical resource of SFG, and to enable the students to do the analysis of metafunction analyses.

Learning Outcomes

Capaian Pembelajaran

CPL-PRODI yang dibebankan pada MK

CPL 1 (S6)

Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan,serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain

CPL 2 (S9)

Menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri

CPL 3 (PP 6)

Menguasai konsep teoritis ilmu kebahasaan

CPL 4 (PP 13)

Menguasai keterampilan berbahasa Inggris (language skills) secara lisan dan tertulis

CPL 5 (KU1)

Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapkan nilai humaniora yang sesuai dengan bidang pendidikan bahasa Inggris;

CPL 6 (KU5)

Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data

CPL 7 (KU 8)

Mampu melakukan proses evaluasi diri terhadap kelompok kerja yang berada dibawah tanggungjawabnya, dan mampu mengelola pembelajaran secara mandiri;

CPL 8 (KK 2)

Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan pada bidang Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan tertentu (English for specific purposes) setara tingkat post intermediate

CPL 9 (KK3)

Mampu mengadaptasi budaya pemakai bahasa sasaran yang positif kedalam budaya bahasa ibu


Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)


to clarify systemic functional grammar and its difference to traditional grammar logically (S6, KU1, KK3, PP6)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of interpersonal meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of experiential meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of textual meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of logical meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to evaluate the knowledge and skills to pursue the evidence of language realization (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)

Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar (Sub-CPMK)


Identifying the different notion between traditional grammar and functional grammar logically


Explaining the general concept of systemic functional grammar; the relation between language and social context logically


Clarifying the metafunction of language clearly and logically


Applying grammar of interpersonal meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Applying grammar of experiential meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Applying the grammar of textual meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Applying grammar of logical meaning in analyzing various English texts systematically and logically


Evaluating how lexis operates a text, realizes realities (experience, logic, and social reality), and contributes to the interpretation of language meaning and style systematically and logically


Referensi Utama:

Gerot, L. & Wignel, P. (1994). Making sense of functional grammar: An introductory workbook. Sidney: Antipodean Educational Enterprises.

Halliday, M.A.K. & Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (2004). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (3rd Ed). London: Edward Arnold

Pengantar Ringkas Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional. Prof. Dr. Tri WIratno, M.A. 2018. Yogjakarta. Pustaka Pelajar.

Butt, D., Fahey, R., Feez, S. & Spinks, S..(2012). Using functional grammar, (2nd ed.). Sydney: Palgrave Macmillan.

Referensi Pendukung:

Eggins, S. (2004). An introduction to systemic functional linguistics (2nd ed.). New York & London: Continuum.

A New Grammar Companion for Teachers. Beverly Derewianka.2011. Primary English Teaching Association. Sidney.

Grammar and Meaning: An Introduction for Primary Teachers. Louise Droga & Sally Humphrey. 2003. NSW. Target Texts.

Thompson, G. (1996). Introducing functional grammar. London: Edward Arnold.

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Course Descriptions

This course focuses on the knowledge that SFG sees society explains language, as opposed to formal linguistics which seeks the explanation from neurological context

Learning Outcomes

After finishing this course, students are able:


to clarify systemic functional grammar and its difference to traditional grammar logically (S6, KU1, KK3, PP6)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of interpersonal meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of experiential meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of textual meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of logical meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to evaluate the knowledge and skills to pursue the evidence of language realization (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


  1. Eggins, S. 1994. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London:

Pinter Publishers

  1. Halliday, M.A.K. (1994a). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (2nd Ed). London: Edward ArnoldMartin, et al 1997, 2003
  2. Thompson, G. (1996). Introducing functional grammar. London: Arnold.Gerot and Wignel, 1994
  3. Hewings and Hewings, 2004

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Course Descriptions

This course focuses on the knowledge that SFG sees society explains language, as opposed to formal linguistics which seeks the explanation from neurological context

Learning Outcomes

After finishing this course, students are able:


to clarify systemic functional grammar and its difference to traditional grammar logically (S6, KU1, KK3, PP6)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of interpersonal meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of experiential meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of textual meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of logical meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to evaluate the knowledge and skills to pursue the evidence of language realization (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


  1. Eggins, S. 1994. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London:

Pinter Publishers

  1. Halliday, M.A.K. (1994a). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (2nd Ed). London: Edward ArnoldMartin, et al 1997, 2003
  2. Thompson, G. (1996). Introducing functional grammar. London: Arnold.Gerot and Wignel, 1994
  3. Hewings and Hewings, 2004

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Course Descriptions

This course focuses on the knowledge that SFG sees society explains language, as opposed to formal linguistics which seeks the explanation from neurological context

Learning Outcomes

After finishing this course, students are able:


to clarify systemic functional grammar and its difference to traditional grammar logically (S6, KU1, KK3, PP6)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of interpersonal meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of experiential meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of textual meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of logical meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to evaluate the knowledge and skills to pursue the evidence of language realization (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


  1. Eggins, S. 1994. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London:

Pinter Publishers

  1. Halliday, M.A.K. (1994a). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (2nd Ed). London: Edward ArnoldMartin, et al 1997, 2003
  2. Thompson, G. (1996). Introducing functional grammar. London: Arnold.Gerot and Wignel, 1994
  3. Hewings and Hewings, 2004

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Course Descriptions

This course focuses on the knowledge that SFG sees society explains language, as opposed to formal linguistics which seeks the explanation from neurological context

Learning Outcomes

After finishing this course, students are able:


to clarify systemic functional grammar and its difference to traditional grammar logically (S6, KU1, KK3, PP6)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of interpersonal meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of experiential meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of textual meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to apply the knowledge and skills of the concept of logical meaning in analyzing English texts. (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


to evaluate the knowledge and skills to pursue the evidence of language realization (S9, KU5, KK2, PP6, PP13)


  1. Eggins, S. 1994. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London:

Pinter Publishers

  1. Halliday, M.A.K. (1994a). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (2nd Ed). London: Edward ArnoldMartin, et al 1997, 2003
  2. Thompson, G. (1996). Introducing functional grammar. London: Arnold.Gerot and Wignel, 1994
  3. Hewings and Hewings, 2004

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Course Descriptions

SFG sees society explains language, as opposed to formal linguistics which seeks the explanation from neurological context.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to know that society is resources of meaning and language is the meaning maker.


Halliday, 1985, 1994
Martin, et al 1997, 2003
Thompson, 2004

Hewings and Hewings , 2004

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Course Descriptions

SFG sees society explains language, as opposed to formal linguistics which seeks the explanation from neurological context.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to know that society is resources of meaning and language is the meaning maker.


Halliday, 1985, 1994
Martin, et al 1997, 2003
Thompson, 2004

Hewings and Hewings , 2004

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Course Descriptions

SFG sees society explains language, as opposed to formal linguistics which seeks the explanation from neurological context.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to know that society is resources of meaning and language is the meaning maker.


Halliday, 1985, 1994
Martin, et al 1997, 2003
Thompson, 2004

Hewings and Hewings , 2004

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Course Descriptions

SFG sees society explains language, as opposed to formal linguistics which seeks the explanation from neurological context.

Learning Outcomes

Students are able to know that society is resources of meaning and language is the meaning maker.


Halliday, 1985, 1994
Martin, et al 1997, 2003
Thompson, 2004

Hewings and Hewings , 2004

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