Courser in English | Reading II |
Program | Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris |
SKS | 2 SKS |
RPS | 3 Data |
RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)
This courses is designed to improve student competencies in reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Students will read and understand straightforward texts of multiple paragraphs (200-300 words) and acquire general reading and vocabulary skills needed for comprehension. Students will practice the reading skills of previewing, skimming, scanning, inferencing, dictionary usage, and guessing meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary
Learning OutcomesUsing assigned texts, students will be able to: 1) relate new information to prior knowledge. 2) make predictions about the content of texts that they are about to read. 3) skim and scan to determine main ideas, text patterns, and location of specific information within a text. 4) differentiate main ideas from major and minor supporting details in written materials. 5) demonstrate increasing word power by acquiring new vocabulary and the ability to guess new words from context clues and word parts, then apply this knowledge through subsequent practice exercises in new contexts. 7) draw inferences.
References1. Wiyaka & Yulianti, Fitri. 2014. Empowering your reading. Modul. Unpublihed. 2. Mikulecky, Beatrice S. & Jeffries, Linda. 2004. Basic Reading Power. Longman. 3. Mikulecky, Beatrice S. & Jeffries, Linda. 2004. More Reading Power. Longman
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This courses is designed to improve student competencies in reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Students will read and understand straightforward texts of multiple paragraphs (200-300 words) and acquire general reading and vocabulary skills needed for comprehension. Students will practice the reading skills of previewing, skimming, scanning, inferencing, dictionary usage, and guessing meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary
Learning OutcomesUsing assigned texts, students will be able to: 1) relate new information to prior knowledge. 2) make predictions about the content of texts that they are about to read. 3) skim and scan to determine main ideas, text patterns, and location of specific information within a text. 4) differentiate main ideas from major and minor supporting details in written materials. 5) demonstrate increasing word power by acquiring new vocabulary and the ability to guess new words from context clues and word parts, then apply this knowledge through subsequent practice exercises in new contexts. 7) draw inferences.
References1. Wiyaka & Yulianti, Fitri. 2014. Empowering your reading. Modul. Unpublihed. 2. Mikulecky, Beatrice S. & Jeffries, Linda. 2004. Basic Reading Power. Longman. 3. Mikulecky, Beatrice S. & Jeffries, Linda. 2004. More Reading Power. Longman
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This courses is designed to improve student competencies in reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Students will read and understand straightforward texts of multiple paragraphs (200-300 words) and acquire general reading and vocabulary skills needed for comprehension. Students will practice the reading skills of previewing, skimming, scanning, inferencing, dictionary usage, and guessing meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary
Learning OutcomesUsing assigned texts, students will be able to: 1) relate new information to prior knowledge. 2) make predictions about the content of texts that they are about to read. 3) skim and scan to determine main ideas, text patterns, and location of specific information within a text. 4) differentiate main ideas from major and minor supporting details in written materials. 5) demonstrate increasing word power by acquiring new vocabulary and the ability to guess new words from context clues and word parts, then apply this knowledge through subsequent practice exercises in new contexts. 7) draw inferences.
References1. Wiyaka & Yulianti, Fitri. 2014. Empowering your reading. Modul. Unpublihed. 2. Mikulecky, Beatrice S. & Jeffries, Linda. 2004. Basic Reading Power. Longman. 3. Mikulecky, Beatrice S. & Jeffries, Linda. 2004. More Reading Power. Longman
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