Introduction to Literature, Curriculum : 2022

Courser in EnglishIntroduction to Literature
ProgramPendidikan Bahasa Inggris
RPS2 Data

RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)

Course Descriptions

This course is prerequisite for the next genre of literature. In this course the students are hoped to understand the importance ways in learning literature related to the language learning. It also provides students to explore the basic information about literary works, the genre of literature and how to appreciate literature. In the end of this course, students are expected to produce individual text analysis

Learning Outcomes

Berperan sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah air,memiliki nasionalisme serta rasatanggung jawab pada negara dan bangsa.

Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan,serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain;Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur

Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapkan nilai humaniora yang sesuai dengan bidang pendidikan bahasa Inggris.

Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur.

Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data

Mahir berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dalam konteks keseharian/umum, akademis, dan pekerjaan setara tingkat post-intermediate.

Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan pada minimal satu bidang Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan tertentu (English for specific purposes) setara tingkat intermediate

Mampu mengadaptasi/budaya pemakai bahasa sasaran yang positif kedalam budaya bahasa ibu

Menguasai konsep teoretis tentang kesusastraan (literature) dan budaya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris

Menguasai unsur kebahasaan (language elements) bahasa Inggris

having comprehensive picture of background on literary studies in language studies

identifying the difference between literary work and non-literary works

Identifying literature around us

Analyzing the quality of Literary works

identifying the characteristics of literary works, such as poetry, prose and Drama

identifying the types of literary works, from Poetry, Prose and Drama

Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar

having comprehensive picture of background on literary studies in language studies

identifying the difference between literary work and non-literary works

Identifying literature around us

Analyzing the quality of Literary works

identifying the characteristics of literary works and its type, Poetry

identifying the characteristics of literary works and its type, Prose

identifying the characteristics of literary works and its type, Drama


1. Karima, Festi Himatu dan Kustantinah, Indri. Handout Introduction to Literature. 2017.  English Education Study Program of UPGRIS

2. Roberts, Edgar V and Henry e. Jacobs. 2003. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pearson

3. Rees. 1988. English literature an introduction for foreign readers. London: Oxford University

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Course Descriptions

This course is prerequisite for the next genre of literature. In this course the students are hoped to understand the importance ways in learning literature related to the language learning. It also provides students to explore the basic information about literary works, the genre of literature and how to appreciate literature. In the end of this course, students are expected to produce individual text analysis

Learning Outcomes

Berperan sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah air,memiliki nasionalisme serta rasatanggung jawab pada negara dan bangsa.

Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan,serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain;Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur

Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan menerapkan nilai humaniora yang sesuai dengan bidang pendidikan bahasa Inggris.

Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur.

Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data

Mahir berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan dalam konteks keseharian/umum, akademis, dan pekerjaan setara tingkat post-intermediate.

Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan pada minimal satu bidang Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan tertentu (English for specific purposes) setara tingkat intermediate

Mampu mengadaptasi/budaya pemakai bahasa sasaran yang positif kedalam budaya bahasa ibu

Menguasai konsep teoretis tentang kesusastraan (literature) dan budaya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris

Menguasai unsur kebahasaan (language elements) bahasa Inggris

having comprehensive picture of background on literary studies in language studies

identifying the difference between literary work and non-literary works

Identifying literature around us

Analyzing the quality of Literary works

identifying the characteristics of literary works, such as poetry, prose and Drama

identifying the types of literary works, from Poetry, Prose and Drama

Kemampuan akhir tiap tahapan belajar

having comprehensive picture of background on literary studies in language studies

identifying the difference between literary work and non-literary works

Identifying literature around us

Analyzing the quality of Literary works

identifying the characteristics of literary works and its type, Poetry

identifying the characteristics of literary works and its type, Prose

identifying the characteristics of literary works and its type, Drama


1. Karima, Festi Himatu dan Kustantinah, Indri. Handout Introduction to Literature. 2017.  English Education Study Program of UPGRIS

2. Roberts, Edgar V and Henry e. Jacobs. 2003. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pearson

3. Rees. 1988. English literature an introduction for foreign readers. London: Oxford University

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