Courser in English | Entrepreneurship |
Program | Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris |
SKS | 2 SKS |
RPS | 22 Data |
RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)
The course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
Learning OutcomesStudents understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
ReferencesTunggal, Amiin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktik, Jakarta. Harvarindo
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The course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
Learning OutcomesStudents understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
ReferencesTunggal, Amiin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktik, Jakarta. Harvarindo
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The course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
Learning OutcomesStudents understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
ReferencesTunggal, Amiin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktik, Jakarta. Harvarindo
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The course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
Learning OutcomesStudents understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
ReferencesTunggal, Amiin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktik, Jakarta. Harvarindo
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The course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
Learning OutcomesStudents understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
ReferencesTunggal, Amiin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktik, Jakarta. Harvarindo
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The course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
Learning OutcomesStudents understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
ReferencesTunggal, Amiin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktik, Jakarta. Harvarindo
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The course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
Learning OutcomesStudents understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
ReferencesRoyan, Frans M. 2004. Membuka Toko: Alternatif Usaha Mandiri. Semarang: Effhar & Dahara Prize.
Senduk, Safir. 2006. Buka Usaha Nggak Kaya? Percuma: 5 Kiat Praktis Mengelola Penghasilan Sebagai Pengusaha.Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.
Tunggal, Amin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktek. Jakarta: Harvarindo.
Vyandra. 2006. Innovative Entrepreneur: Menjadi Pengusaha Sukses & Tangguh dengan Inovasi. Semarang: Penerbit Ide Media.
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The course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
Learning OutcomesStudents understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan business.
ReferencesRoyan, Frans M. 2004. Membuka Toko: Alternatif Usaha Mandiri. Semarang: Effhar & Dahara Prize.
Senduk, Safir. 2006. Buka Usaha Nggak Kaya? Percuma: 5 Kiat Praktis Mengelola Penghasilan Sebagai Pengusaha.Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.
Tunggal, Amin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktek. Jakarta: Harvarindo.
Vyandra. 2006. Innovative Entrepreneur: Menjadi Pengusaha Sukses & Tangguh dengan Inovasi. Semarang: Penerbit Ide Media.
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he course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan the business.
Learning OutcomesThe students understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan the business.
ReferencesREFERENCES | ||||||||||||||
1. Royan, Frans M. 2004. Membuka Toko: Alternatif Usaha Mandiri. Semarang: Effhar & Dahara Prize. | ||||||||||||||
2. Senduk, Safir. 2006. Buka Usaha Nggak Kaya? Percuma: 5 Kiat Praktis Mengelola Penghasilan Sebagai Pengusaha.Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo. | ||||||||||||||
3. Tunggal, Amin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktek. Jakarta: Harvarindo. | ||||||||||||||
4. Vyandra. 2006. Innovative Entrepreneur: Menjadi Pengusaha Sukses & Tangguh dengan Inovasi. Semarang: Penerbit Ide Media. |
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he course leads the students to understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan the business.
Learning OutcomesThe students understand and apply the entrepreneurial information to plan the business.
ReferencesREFERENCES | ||||||||||||||
1. Royan, Frans M. 2004. Membuka Toko: Alternatif Usaha Mandiri. Semarang: Effhar & Dahara Prize. | ||||||||||||||
2. Senduk, Safir. 2006. Buka Usaha Nggak Kaya? Percuma: 5 Kiat Praktis Mengelola Penghasilan Sebagai Pengusaha.Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo. | ||||||||||||||
3. Tunggal, Amin Widjaja. 2007. Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) Teori & Praktek. Jakarta: Harvarindo. | ||||||||||||||
4. Vyandra. 2006. Innovative Entrepreneur: Menjadi Pengusaha Sukses & Tangguh dengan Inovasi. Semarang: Penerbit Ide Media. |
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