Courser in English | General Linguistics |
Program | Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris |
SKS | 2 SKS |
RPS | 5 Data |
RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)
This is a general introduction to linguistics, the scientific study of human language. It covers lingusitics in generals and two types of linguistics: descriptive and prescriptive. It also includes the major core subfields of linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology,syntax, semantics, and systemic functional grammar. A number of other subfields of linguistics will be introduced near the end of the course, including sociolinguistics and language variation, pragmatics,historical linguistics and language change, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition.
Learning OutcomesStudents are able to explain linguistics as the scientific study of human language; differentiate two types of linguistics: descriptive and prescriptive; explain and differentiate the major core subfields of linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology,syntax, semantics, and systemic functional grammar; and explain a number of other subfields of linguistics, including sociolinguistics and language variation, pragmatics,historical linguistics and language change, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition.
ReferencesBissantz, Annete S., Johnson, Keith A., (1985), Language Files, Materials for An Introduction to Language, The Ohio State University Department of Linguistics, USA
Eggins, Suzanne (1994) An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Continuum.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1994) Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Arnold (2nd edition).
Krashen, S. D. (1981). Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Pergamon
Larsen-Freeman, D. & Long, M. H. (1991). An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research. London: Longman.
Ramelan, Prof., Dr., MA. (1992) Introduction to Linguistic Analysis, IKIP Semarang Press.
Wardhaugh, R. & Fuller, J. M. (2015). An introduction to sociolinguistics. 7th edition. West Sussex: Blackwell
Some sources from internet.
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This is a general introduction to linguistics, the scientific study of human language. It covers lingusitics in generals and two types of linguistics: descriptive and prescriptive. It also includes the major core subfields of linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology,syntax, semantics, and systemic functional grammar. A number of other subfields of linguistics will be introduced near the end of the course, including sociolinguistics and language variation, pragmatics,historical linguistics and language change, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition.
Learning OutcomesStudents are able to explain linguistics as the scientific study of human language; differentiate two types of linguistics: descriptive and prescriptive; explain and differentiate the major core subfields of linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology,syntax, semantics, and systemic functional grammar; and explain a number of other subfields of linguistics, including sociolinguistics and language variation, pragmatics,historical linguistics and language change, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition.
ReferencesBissantz, Annete S., Johnson, Keith A., (1985), Language Files, Materials for An Introduction to Language, The Ohio State University Department of Linguistics, USA
Eggins, Suzanne (1994) An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Continuum.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1994) Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Arnold (2nd edition).
Krashen, S. D. (1981). Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Pergamon
Larsen-Freeman, D. & Long, M. H. (1991). An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research. London: Longman.
Ramelan, Prof., Dr., MA. (1992) Introduction to Linguistic Analysis, IKIP Semarang Press.
Wardhaugh, R. & Fuller, J. M. (2015). An introduction to sociolinguistics. 7th edition. West Sussex: Blackwell
Some sources from internet.
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Mata kuliah General Linguistics adalah mata kuliah yang berbobot 2sks. Tujuan mata kuliah ini adalah agar mahasiswa memahami studi atau ilmu yang mempelajari tentang bahasa, sejarah mengenai bahasa, aturan-aturan yang digunakan dalam berbahasa, bagaimana menggunakan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi. Mata kuliah General linguistics terdiri dari 16 kali pertemuan (termasuk middle test dan final test)
Learning OutcomesDengan mengikuti mata kuliah General Linguistics, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu untuk:
1. Memahami ilmu-ilmu yang mempelajari tentang suatu bahasa.
2. Dapat menggunakan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi antar manusia.
References1. Ramelan.1992. Introduction to Linguistics Analysis. Semarang: IKIP Press
2. Akmajian, Adrian (et al). 2001. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. London: The IMT Press
3. Fromkin, Victoria (et al). 2011. An Introduction to Language. Canada
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Mata kuliah General Linguistics adalah mata kuliah yang berbobot 2sks. Tujuan mata kuliah ini adalah agar mahasiswa memahami studi atau ilmu yang mempelajari tentang bahasa, sejarah mengenai bahasa, aturan-aturan yang digunakan dalam berbahasa, bagaimana menggunakan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi. Mata kuliah General linguistics terdiri dari 16 kali pertemuan (termasuk middle test dan final test)
Learning OutcomesDengan mengikuti mata kuliah General Linguistics, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu untuk:
1. Memahami ilmu-ilmu yang mempelajari tentang suatu bahasa.
2. Dapat menggunakan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi antar manusia.
References1. Ramelan.1992. Introduction to Linguistics Analysis. Semarang: IKIP Press
2. Akmajian, Adrian (et al). 2001. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. London: The IMT Press
3. Fromkin, Victoria (et al). 2011. An Introduction to Language. Canada
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Mata kuliah General Linguistics adalah mata kuliah yang berbobot 2sks. Tujuan mata kuliah ini adalah agar mahasiswa memahami studi atau ilmu yang mempelajari tentang bahasa, sejarah mengenai bahasa, aturan-aturan yang digunakan dalam berbahasa, bagaimana menggunakan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi. Mata kuliah General linguistics terdiri dari 16 kali pertemuan (termasuk middle test dan final test)
Learning OutcomesDengan mengikuti mata kuliah General Linguistics, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu untuk:
1. Memahami ilmu-ilmu yang mempelajari tentang suatu bahasa.
2. Dapat menggunakan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi antar manusia.
References1. Ramelan.1992. Introduction to Linguistics Analysis. Semarang: IKIP Press
2. Akmajian, Adrian (et al). 2001. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. London: The IMT Press
3. Fromkin, Victoria (et al). 2011. An Introduction to Language. Canada
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