Courser in English | Statistics |
Program | Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris |
SKS | 2 SKS |
RPS | 15 Data |
RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)
Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph,
Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis,
Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data
entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.
Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present how to read the statistics of the graph and other formats in
Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.
Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta
____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta
Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang
Details ...
Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph,
Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis,
Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data
entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.
Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present how to read the statistics of the graph and other formats in
Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.
Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta
____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta
Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang
Details ...
Statistics is a whole class activity used for teaching educational statistics. It requires students to operate SPSS dealing with Data Description, Graph,
Table, Normality Test, Homogenity Test, Linierity Test, One Sample T Test, Independent Sample Test, One Way Anova, Two Ways Variant Analysis,
Correlation, Regression, Validity and Realibility Tests of Questionnnaire. It blends the activities of operating SPSS, defining variables, doing the data
entry, saving the data, and closing SPSS. It enganges students by combining the use of satistics with software known as SPSS.
Students are able to operate SPPS to analyze the data while they write and present how to read the statistics of the graph and other formats in
Purbayu Budi Santoso & Ashari. 2005. Analisis Statistik Dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. ANDI Yogyakarta.
Singgih Santoso. 2000. Buku Latihan SPSS Statistik Parametrik. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta
____________ 2008. Panduan Lengkap Menguasai SPSS 16. PT Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta
Agung Handyanto Yanuar Hery Murtianto. 2014. Komputasi Statistik. Universitas PGRI Semarang
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