Courser in English | ENGLISH |
Program | Pendidikan Biologi |
SKS | 2 SKS |
RPS | 4 Data |
RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)
This subject is designed to allow students : 1) to develop their fluency in scientific reading, 2) to build their understanding of biological consept from several kind of scientific writing, 3) to be able analyzing and relating whole consept from several kind of scientific writing, 4) to develop their self confidence in scientific english communication, specifically in biology context; 5) to improve their academic writing skills; specifically in biological context.
Learning OutcomesLearning outcome :
- Affective:
- Internalizing academic value, norms, and ethics
- Demonstrate responsibility of work in their area of expertise
- General skills:
- Applying logical and critical thinking, systematic, innovative in the development and implementation of knowledge and technology.
- Demonstrate independent and measurable work
- Specific skills:
- Communicate the result of research in Biology and evaluate comprehensively
- Knowledge:
- Mastering the concept, principle, theory, and procedure of biology
Learning outcome of courses :
- Affective:
- Internalizing academic value, norms, and ethics
- Demonstrate responsibility of work in their area of expertise
- General skills:
- Applying logical and critical thinking, systematic, innovative in the development and implementation of knowledge and technology in the context of biology in foreign language.
- Demonstrate independent and measurable work in context of biology in foreign language
- Specific skills:
- Communicate the result of research in Biology and evaluate comprehensively context of biology in foreign language
- Knowledge:
a. Mastering the concept, principle, theory, and procedure of biology in foreign language
References- Articles topics related with: Basic Biology, Biology Education, Applied Biology
- Campbell N.A, Reece J.B, Urry L.A, Cain M.L, Wasserman S.A, Minorsky P.V, Jackson R,B. 2012. Biologi. Jilid 1,2,3. Erlangga . Jakarta
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This subject is designed to allow students : 1) to develop their fluency in scientific reading, 2) to build their understanding of biological consept from several kind of scientific writing, 3) to be able analyzing and relating whole consept from several kind of scientific writing, 4) to develop their self confidence in scientific english communication, specifically in biology context; 5) to improve their academic writing skills; specifically in biological context.
Learning OutcomesLearning outcome :
- Affective:
- Internalizing academic value, norms, and ethics
- Demonstrate responsibility of work in their area of expertise
- General skills:
- Applying logical and critical thinking, systematic, innovative in the development and implementation of knowledge and technology.
- Demonstrate independent and measurable work
- Specific skills:
- Communicate the result of research in Biology and evaluate comprehensively
- Knowledge:
- Mastering the concept, principle, theory, and procedure of biology
Learning outcome of courses :
- Affective:
- Internalizing academic value, norms, and ethics
- Demonstrate responsibility of work in their area of expertise
- General skills:
- Applying logical and critical thinking, systematic, innovative in the development and implementation of knowledge and technology in the context of biology in foreign language.
- Demonstrate independent and measurable work in context of biology in foreign language
- Specific skills:
- Communicate the result of research in Biology and evaluate comprehensively context of biology in foreign language
- Knowledge:
a. Mastering the concept, principle, theory, and procedure of biology in foreign language
References- Articles topics related with: Basic Biology, Biology Education, Applied Biology
- Campbell N.A, Reece J.B, Urry L.A, Cain M.L, Wasserman S.A, Minorsky P.V, Jackson R,B. 2012. Biologi. Jilid 1,2,3. Erlangga . Jakarta
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The course leads the students to acknowledge the integrated skills of English covering listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It is aimed at assisting students to acquire basic skills of English as well as providing them exercises to function effectively in performing English both in oral and written. This course covers the lectures on passages and their exercises, vocabulary, structure, and written and oral exercises. Classroom activities are focused on lectures, students’ performance, and test. The course assessment is based on the sum of the students’ attendance, assignments, mid-term test and final test.
Learning OutcomesKeterampilan Umum : Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis
KeterampilanKhusus :Terampil berbahasa Inggris dalam konteks akademis
ReferencesAlexander, LG. Practice and Progress an Integrated Course for Pre-Intermediate Students. London. Longman Group Ltd.
Bohlke, D. Skillful Reading and Writing Student’s Book Foundation. Macmillan.
Oshima, Alice. 1999. Writing Academic English (Third Edition). New York: Longman.
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The course leads the students to acknowledge the integrated skills of English covering listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It is aimed at assisting students to acquire basic skills of English as well as providing them exercises to function effectively in performing English both in oral and written. This course covers the lectures on passages and their exercises, vocabulary, structure, and written and oral exercises. Classroom activities are focused on lectures, students’ performance, and test. The course assessment is based on the sum of the students’ attendance, assignments, mid-term test and final test.
Learning OutcomesKeterampilan Umum : Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis
KeterampilanKhusus :Terampil berbahasa Inggris dalam konteks akademis
ReferencesAlexander, LG. Practice and Progress an Integrated Course for Pre-Intermediate Students. London. Longman Group Ltd.
Bohlke, D. Skillful Reading and Writing Student’s Book Foundation. Macmillan.
Oshima, Alice. 1999. Writing Academic English (Third Edition). New York: Longman.
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