Language Education, Curriculum : 2019

ProgramPendidikan Bahasa Inggris
RPS3 Data

RPS (Rencanan Perkuliahan Semester)

Course Descriptions

Students will have the skills, knowledge, and beliefs about the world's influence and how it shapes their language teaching. Students will master the underlying reasoning behind the choices of methods, style, and materials as well as the knowledge about recognizing the type of learners and what they need. Students will master the skills of planning, teaching, and assessing their role as a classroom teacher and how to make effective classroom practices.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the underlying reasons of what it means to be a teacher and how to adapt to the entailed duties.
  2. Recognize the type of student under their guidance and tailor the appropriate lesson plan.
  3. Understand the approach they can use in teaching language using appropriate strategies.



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Course Descriptions

Students will have the skills, knowledge, and beliefs about the world's influence and how it shapes their language teaching. Students will master the underlying reasoning behind the choices of methods, style, and materials as well as the knowledge about recognizing the type of learners and what they need. Students will master the skills of planning, teaching, and assessing their role as a classroom teacher and how to make effective classroom practices.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the underlying reasons of what it means to be a teacher and how to adapt to the entailed duties.
  2. Recognize the type of student under their guidance and tailor the appropriate lesson plan
  3. Understand the approach they can use in teaching language using appropriate strategies


  1. Chan Yee Him, J. (2018). Contexts, Problems and Solutions in International Communication: Insights for Teaching English as a Lingua Franca. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 2, 257.
  2. Keen, John. (2018). Teaching English: The linguistic approach. London: Routledge. (Ch.2 p.19)
  3. McLelland, N. (2017). Teaching and learning foreign languages: a history of language education, assessment, and policy in Britain. Routledge. (ch.4 p. 85).
  4. Moore, Alex. (2000). Teaching and Learning: Pedagogy, curriculum, and culture. (Ch.1 p.4).
  5. Sadeghpour, Marzieh.(2020). Englishes in English language teaching. London: Routledge. (Ch.3 p.41).
  6. Singer, A. J. (2013). Teaching to learn, learning to teach : a handbook for secondary school teachers (2nd ed). Routledge. (Book I, p.5).

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Course Descriptions

Students will have the skills, knowledge, and beliefs about the world influence and how
it shapes their language teaching. Students will master the underlying reasoning behind
the choices of methods, style, and materials as well as the knowledge about
recognising the type of learners and what they need. Students will master the skills of
planning, teaching, and assessing their role as a classroom teacher and how to make
effective classroom practices.

Learning Outcomes

1. Mampu mengelola, mengembangkan dan memelihara jaringan kerja dengan kolega,
sejawat di dalam lembaga dan komunitas penelitian yang lebih luas l (KU6)
2. Mampu merencanakan dan mengelola sumberdaya dalam penyelenggaraan
pendidikan formal dan informal yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya, dan
mengevaluasi aktivitasnya secara komprehensif (KK5).
3. Mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris secara lisan dan tertulis setara tingkat lanjut dalam
konteks pendidikan dan penelitian untuk menyampaikan pemikiran kepada pelaku dan
pemangku kepentingan pendidikan bahasa Inggris di dalam dan di luar negeri (PP1).
4. Mampu menggunakan teknologi informasi dan menggunakannya dalam kegiatan
pendidikan, penelitian dan evaluasi (PP4).
5. Menguasai tata laksana evaluasi bahan ajar agar berkualitas dan sesuai kaidah
asesmen bahasa Inggris (PP6).
6. Menguasai teori, prinsip, proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris (PP9).
7. Menguasai filosofi di balik pembuatan kebijakan, keputusan, rancangan dan evaluasi
pendidikan (PP11).


1. Chan Yee Him, J. (2018). Contexts, Problems and Solutions in International Communication :
Insights for Teaching English as a Lingua Franca. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 2, 257.
2. Keen, John. (2018). Teaching English: The linguistic approach. London: Routledge. (Ch.2
3. McLelland, N. (2017). Teaching and learning foreign languages : a history of language
education, assessment and policy in Britain. Routledge. (ch.4 p. 85).
4. Moore, Alex. (2000). Teaching and learning: Pedagogy, curriculum and culture. (Ch.1 p.4).
5. Sadeghpour, Marzieh.(2020). Englishes in English language teaching. London: Routledge.
(Ch.3 p.41).
6. Singer, A. J. (2013). Teaching to learn, learning to teach : a handbook for secondary school
teachers (2nd ed). Routledge. (Book I, p.5).

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